This is a listing for a large peony bouquet containg 20 handmade peonies in raspberry, cream, and a variation of both colors. Each peony is unique as it is handmade and dyed and measures approximately 3 inches to 5 inches across. The stems overall height measurement of this bouquet does not exceed 12 inches. Each flower is 100% handmade, handcrafted, and hand painted. All of our bouquets come with a simple wrap, please see our wrap upgrade section coming soon. We welcome custom orders so please do not hesitate to make a request for your favorite color. We love the lily flower because it is so delicate but strong and always makes a bold statement. All of our bouquets come with a simple wrap, please see our wrap upgrade section coming soon.
If you would like this item to be shipped to you outside of the United States, please let us know so we can figure the additional shipping costs for the items you wish to purchase. We have military members in our family and understand how hard it is to get things when you live overseas so if you have an APO address please let us know before purchasing. Thanks!
If you are interested in ordering an entire wedding package of these flowers or have a picture you would like us to recreate or an idea, please contact us for pricing and timelines. We have a color chart posted but regardless we can match any crazy color you can come up with! We would be happy to custom match your color choice. When contacting us please let us know what day you plan to be married and where in the country you live. : )
Raspberry Barrett Bouquet Set listed in: